There’s a whole bunch of places to choose from and a lot of seating. Ribeira das Naus Waterfront –Winding its way along the Tagus River, this waterfront area is the place to go to enjoy a breath of fresh air in Cais do Sodre. There are also a number of local bars and foodstalls...
What he’s considering is mad, of course, reckless, but now it’s like each thought follows the next faster and faster, like we’re descending a spiral staircase, picking up speed, until we’re running, taking terrible risks. Will Kovacs abandon his carefully planned journey, go flying out...
The church of St Michael and All Angels, adjacent to the old manor at Hamstall Ridware had captivated us even before the commercial enterprise of the “Ridware Arts Centre” opened in the early 1980’s. My mother, never usually given to spiritual pronouncements, declared the site of the benc...
The fact that Carol Deschere Berendt, mother of John Berendt, author of the best-sellingMidnight in the Garden of Good and EvilandThe City of Falling Angels, once published a novel,Small World, under her maiden name, would not in itself qualify the book for mention here. But, as Syracur...
Even if I go past the mere surface observation of the Sun rising, to theapparently universal and exceptionlesslaws of gravitation and nuclear physics, then I am still left with the question: "Why do I believe this will also be true tomorrow?" ...
However, there are problems: first, the prohibition on trail magic will never be publicized well enough so that no one does it accidentally; and second, littering isn’t really an issue anyway as trail angels are careful to leave garbage bags and similar to put empty cans, wrappers, and ...