This ** function appends text to pStr that describes the subset of table ** rows scanned by the strategy in the form of an SQL expression. ** ** For example, if the query: ** ** SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE a=1 AND b>2; ** ** is run and there is an index on (a, b), then...
However, as ypercube has helpfully pointed out, the queries are not quite equivalent if the data and sharding methodology means that a Table1.Id value can end up in a different ShardKey than the ShardKey of the corresponding Table1.table2 value. If that happens, then the OR t2.ShardKey...
FromOracle Database 23ai, theautomatic SQL transpilercan extract SQL expressions in PL/SQL. These are then part of the SQL statement, so at runtime it's as-if the function doesn't exist! To do this, ensure thesql_transpilerparameter ison(it'soffby default). When a function in thewhere...
In other words, a logical implication in your query specification turns the inner join into a logical cross product (after simplification). This is not necessarily a bad thing (as people tend to assume cross products are) it just means the query specification can be sim...
You can only specify columns in a HAVING clause if they have been grouped, or if they are part of an aggregate (means they are passed to some function like SUM(column), AVG(column), COUNT(column) etc) Accounts employees who have had more than one pay rise: --yes SELECT emp_name ...
hive删除表和表中的数据,以及按分区删除数据 hive删除表: drop table table_name; hive删除表中数据...
A subquery would remove the need to call the fncLastBusinessDay function. To do it all in SQL by means of a subquery, you'd probably need an auxiliary BusinessDaysCalendar table. Auxiliary tables can be extremely useful for many things (Joe Celko has a whole chapter on them in his excell...
`status` enum('pending','active','suspend','inactive') CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT 'pending' COMMENT '"pending" means the user tried to signup (login for the first time) and still has not entered the right OTP. So, the cellphone number is not...
In terms of logic, this means the conditions evaluate to TRUE. You can use several SQL operators to form conditions. Comparison operators, BETWEEN and IN are good starting points. Once you are comfortable using these, you can combine them together to create more complex conditions using SQL ...
which means you have folders named{{cookiecutter.project_name}}. For me that is weird to see on the command line but it's a small nit and one I've chosen to live with.. Anyway, not only did I put in Nix and Direnv configs but alsodocker-compose.ymlwith Postgresql (my db of choic...