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What Happens When We Sleep? 595 0 2022-09-12 20:00:00 您当前的浏览器不支持 HTML5 播放器 请更换浏览器再试试哦~33 2 33 7https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eTgNgGO_bLs 转载自油管【The Economist】频道,字幕由鱼鹰字幕站翻译制作,禁止商用。———由于非专业领域,翻译若有出入,请谅解。分享一...
What happens when we sleep?When you sleep, you become unconscious and unaware of what's going on around you. As you sleep, you pass through different stages - and there are two main types:▪Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep This comes and goes throughout the night, and makes up about ...
Stages one and two are light sleep.第一和第二阶段为浅眠期。This is a transition from being awake to falling asleep.这是从意识清醒到入睡的过渡期。Heart rate and breathing begin to slow, body temperature falls, and muscles may twitch.心率和呼吸开始减慢,体温下降,而且肌肉可能会抽搐。Stage three...
I feel you pulling away from me.pull away from:从……脱离。这里引申为疏远。Beth向Rob说出心理感受,因为她觉得Rob一直在疏远她。 37:52 Every day. You get up, you go to work, you come home, you eat dinner, you put on a smile for my benefit, and then you go to sleep.for one's ben...
s light outside. This allows your brain to synchronize sleep with nighttime but can be easily fooled be artificial light, such as the light from your smartphone before you go to sleep. Another part of the hypothalamus, thetuberomammillary nucleus, appears to regulate...
Marshall Arlin.What happens to time when you sleep? Children‘s development of objective time and its relation to time perception.Cognitive Development. 1990Marshall Arlin.What happens to time when you sleep? Children‘s development of objective time and its relation to time perception. Cognitive ...
This is the first stage of deep sleep, where our cells produce the most growth hormone to service bones and muscles, allowing the body to repair itself. Stage four is where we begin to dream. The body creates chemicals that render it temporarily paralyzed so that we do not act out our ...
词汇:sleep 睡觉,睡眠 "I'm knackered - have you got any tips for a good night's sleep?" Not only is sleep a common feature of our small talk, we've also spent decades trying to understand and explain it. After all, we spend on average 26 years of our lives asleep. So, what do...
What Happens When We Sleep? Every night, almost everyone on the planet enters into a state of unconsciousness and paralysis. But what is really happening inside the body when we drift off? And what’s the impact if we don’t get enough sle...