“When they sin against you—for there is no one who does not sin—and you become angry with them and give them over to the enemy, who takes them...
12 Now, thus sinning against the brethren, and wounding their weak conscience, ye sin against Christ. 哥林多前书 8:12 — GOD’S WORD Translation (GW) 12 When you sin against other believers in this way and harm their weak consciences, you are sinning against Christ. 哥林多前书 8:...
When you sin against your brothers and sisters in Christ like this and cause them to do what they feel is wrong, you are also sinning against Christ.
The short answer is that God does not hate you. He loves you deeply. He hates what sin has done to you. God created a perfect world that sin corrupted and destroyed. The great news of the gospel is that we can be free of sin!
we are led to believe we are lost we are of god he that we are one we are responsible to we are to we are you holding ha we areand always will we argue vigorously we arrived in spain we as americans we await your decisio we barely got enough we become demanding we believe firmly ...
God. We should never think that material things are somehow “unspiritual.” But we live in a materialistic age, even in some quarters of the Church. Among some Catholics, you will hear a great deal about justice and equality but very little, if anything, about the salvation of souls. ...
i am against i am all out of love i am all over you i am always running a i am an angel i am because we are i am better at math t i am charlotte simmon i am coming back i am flying passing h i am flying i am flyi i am from i am girl too i am gung-ho about my i...
him until I can stand again on my own. For anyone who has ever gone through grief, you will recognize these emotions. Perhaps it is because my time is short that I do not fear being in the dark space for too long. Tomorrow is another day, and God’s mercies are new every morning....
Charles Ryrie in his bookBasic Theologysays propitiation is “the turning away of the wrath of God because of the offering of Christ.” Because Christ’s sacrificial death satisfied God’s wrath against sin, those who have accepted His sacrifice by faith, don’t have to pay the penalty that...
Tip: 3 Learningshouldn?tbeboring.Readeachtextseveraltimestomakesureyou understandhowtousenewwordsandexpressionsinthetext. ●Improveyourgrammar. Grammarisveryimportantbecauseitimprovesthequality(质量)ofyourwriting. Tip: 4 Thefirsttime,lookforgeneralmistakesandthesecondtimelookformistakes withthegrammarpointyouare...