When you pray, move your feet.— African proverbPrayer isn’t just nice thoughts. Prayer isn’t just words. Prayer is action. Real action. Action that produces results. Action for God. Action for the world.When you pray, move your feet. - African Proverb. Prayer isn't just nice ...
Injustice is far from over, so when you pray, you must move your feetWillis, R Joaquin
for he is right beside me. No wonder my heart is glad, and I rejoice. My body rests in safety. For you will not leave my soul among the dead or allow your holy one to rot in the grave. You will show me the way of life,...
【4】 Your body tries to make as much heat as it can on its own. When you shiver, your muscles (肌肉) move over and over again to give off heat. And it will keep your body a little warmer. What should you do 【5】 Then you’ll get warm soon.A.Of course, put on a coat!B...
【4】 Your body tries to make as much heat as it can on its own. When you shiver, your muscles (肌肉) move over and over again to give off heat. And it will keep your body a little warmer. What should you do 【5】 Then you’ll get warm soon.A.Of course, put on a coat!B...
Pray for great things, expect great things, work for great things, but above all pray. —R. A. Torrey 40 Pray as you can, not as you can't. —Johnny Appleseed 77 I pray like a robber asking alms at the door of a farmhouse to which he is ready to set fire. —Leon Bloy ...
"When you walk, your steps will not be hampered; when you run, you will not stumble." - Proverbs 4:12
i can do it for mysel i can do nunchaku i can down to soul i can every day you a i can excape i can le i can feel my heart b i can feel my spirit i can feel your eyes i can grow a mustache i can just have a gla i can learning more f i can make it through i can ...
i started learning fr i started to leave i started to run i stay becomes pain i stay i pray i stick around cos i i still alive i still believed i still dream of you i still got it i still lose i still remembered un i still tried i still waiting i stole ten thousands i stopped ...