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Guppy Stringy Poop 1/9/12 Hi Neale, how are you? <Busy!> I have a male guppy that I've owned for over a year. For the past 6 months he has been in a 2.5 gallon tank by himself, because he doesn't fit with the fish in my display tank (he attacks the honey gourami, the Ra...
or you're having this issue for longer than a day or two. but if we're being honest here, we know that most people aren't going to rush to see a health care provider when they first see a bit of blood in their poop, especially if it's just a little, and it only happens once...
They’re also loaded with potassium, an electrolyte that’s often lost when you have diarrhea, Warren says. Not only that, bananas have pectin, which helps absorb liquid in your intestine and allows poop to move along more smoothly, she adds. ...
You could say writing was an activity I once loved, but this wouldn’t be altogether accurate. Sure, as a child/teenager/young adult I enjoyed it on a level that seemed foreign to some of my peers. Was I passionate about it? Of course. But it was more than this. Writing was almost...
But it’s obviously not indescribable, as I will show you. Imagine a river, a wrought iron pedestrian mini-Sydney harbour bridge, but two of them, using a mid-stream foundation to provide the fulcrum point where the two meet, painted a cheerful green and, later, as the sun sets, ...
if the poop is larger and thicker than a pinky finger. It’s most likely megacolon. Log in to Reply Gloria says: January 1, 2019 at 12:19 am I’m not sure who you’re using but I used road runner pharmacy and found their pricing and service to be excellent. I was using a ...
I just get mad at my parents and and cause if u r 18+ u cant take it away cuz you're an adult and you have your own possession and Why you shouldn't take away your child's phone?“When you remove a teen's lifeline to their friends, there will be a major emotional backlash, ...
WARNING: Skip to the next section if you don’t like reading about poop. It was around this time that something I should have anticipated—but hadn’t—finally happened. My poop became Soylent. Typically (and forgive me if this is TMI) I have a bowel movement once a day; it’s rare...
“So you clean the Roomba. You toss it in the bathtub to let it soak. You pull it apart, piece-by-piece, wondering at what point you became an adult and assumed responsibility for 3:30am-Roomba-disassembly-poop-cleanups. By this point, the poop isn’t just on your hands – it’s...