5. You Skin Will Glow Alcohol dehydrates your entire body, including your skin. Drinking can dry out your skin, leaving it dull and pale. Your liver also suffers. Overloading your body with sugar and chemicals from alcohol impedes your liver’s ability to filter your blood. Giving up alcoh...
If you don’t consume enough calories while breastfeeding, it can affect your energy levels, overall health, and potentially your milk supply. It’s important to eat sufficient, nutrient-rich foods to support lactation and your well-being. How Do I Know If I Am Eating Enough While Breastfee...
What foods can't you eat when pregnant? Here is a list of items you should avoid during pregnancy, from raw meats to soft cheeses.
Avoid alcohol:Alcoholic beverages are high in calories and can quickly sabotage yourweight lossefforts. If you do drink, opt for light beers or wine spritzers instead of mixed drinks or cocktails. Keep a food journal:Tracking what you eat will help you stay accountable for your dietary choices ...
If you drink whiskey every night instead of other alcohol, you'll consume less calories and carbs Shutterstock For those alcohol enthusiasts who aren't looking to gain a beer belly, whiskey is a great choice. It contains no carbohydrates and virtually no sugar, as noted byMedical Daily. It ...
Avoid alcoholic beverages, dairy products, smoothies, and vegetable juice. You may also want to skip that morning cup of coffee, which can upset your stomach and dehydrate you. If the carbonation in soda bothers you, wait until it's flat (the fizz is gone). You may also find it easier...
oliqueurs(usuallysweetenedalcoholicliquors)andcordials. PLEASENOTE:Areductionofalcoholintakeiscrucialinkeepingtriglyceridesincheck—justonedrinkcan increasetriglyceridesinsusceptiblepeople.Ifyouhaveelevatedtriglyceridesandconsumealcohol—a reducedintakeornotdrinkingalcoholatallisstronglyadvised. 2 LIMIT: oredmeat,especial...
It is important for you to be cautious about what to eat and what not to eat when you are pregnant. Keep in mind that your foods you consume can affect both ofwomen’s healthand your baby’s health. After reading this entire article, we hope that pregnant women could pay attention to...
This is not simply another term for fasting, which is commonly defined as the total abstinence from energy-containing foods and beverages for periods ranging from 12 h to 3 weeks, although some protocols employ modified fasting in which a minimal number of calories may be consumed [207]. CR ...