The answers you give them when you call 9-1-1, help them to make sure that if there are specific pieces of equipment that are needed, that emergency crews pack and prep those before they head out. It also gives them the best idea of how to keep you the caller, and all the first ...
If someone you love hasschizophrenia, knowing when to call the doctor isn’t always easy -- and you can’t always rely on your loved one to let you know they need help. During a psychotic episode, they may not know the difference between what’s real and what isn’t. They could see...
What to do if you are trapped If you can’t evacuate, your car breaks down or you get stuck for some other reason, don’t panic, Torres said. Instead, take a look around and call 911. “Realize where you are, what street you are at. Can you see an address sign? Call 911, so...
When you’re finished, say “OVER” to imply that you’ve said all the information. At this point, the watchstander on duty knows your status. Wait for about a minute for the call to go to the Coast Guard, and they will talk directly to you, instructing you on how to control the...
There are some vaccine symptoms that are serious enough that you should call 911 right away if they happen. These include: Difficulty breathing Racing heart High fever Dizziness Weakness Hives Swelling around the lips or eyes Changes in behavior Also important to note: You might still get the fl...
Join Date Jun 2000 Location off others' brains Posts 4,345 Re: Good to know 10-digit PD number for when you can't get through to 911. I understand the need to verify the address and the person, however there may be cases where the person may not be in a position t...
It could be a warning sign of something serious. Call 911 if you also have: Shortness of breath Chest pain Extreme lightheadedness Caffeine: It's what doctors call a stimulant. It revs up your heartbeat. You may have more of it in your system than you think. You'll find caffeine not...
高)theirwritinginEnglish.Don?tworry,though.Herearesomesimplestepsthatyoucantaketo improveyourwrittenEnglish. ●Increaseyourvocabulary. Toexpressyourselfclearly,youneedagoodactivevocabulary.That?snotjustbeingableto knowlotsofwords—itmeansactuallybeingabletousethemcorrectly. 1 Tip:Whenyoulearnanewword,trytolea...
You should only carry your passport with you when you need it – otherwise, it should stay locked up.If you’re going to take your passport with you, always keep it in a location that is hard to get to. If you carry it in your purse or travel bag, keep it zipped up in an inter...
Atan August 6th speechin New Orleans, FCC Commissioner Jessica Rosenworcel told the audience, "I learned that in the city of Little Rock if you call 911 using your wireless phone in the corner of the 911 call center your call will not get routed to Little Rock. Instead, it will be ans...