we were more of an agricultural society, and November was considered a good time for elections because the busy harvest season was coming to a close. Many country folks had to travel quite a long way to
Signé estimates that by 2050, the region will have an estimated US$16.1 trillion of combined consumer and business spending, offering tremendous opportunities for Western companies in household consumption (estimated to be US$8 trillion by then) in sectors including food and beverages, housing, hosp...
The politics of food and the fight against hunger : reflections and lessons from Uganda The triggers of the 2011/2012 riots in urban areas and the adequacy of the government's response will be discussed. The impact of various factors such......
“Africa We Want” – the ‘Agenda of the African Union’ – is a whole program aimed at resolving the problems of the poorest countries in Africa: food security, energy security, resources security. Imperialism is incapable of helping these countries without exploiting for itself the mineral res...
Therefore, the racial prejudice will be discussed as it relates to the Blackness of Black women and the patriarchal prejudice will be discussed as it relates to the 'womanness' of Black women. This paper, then, recalls the racial and patriarchal oppression of the Black woman by looking at ...
The laborers were transformed through voodoo – a religion combining African beliefs with Catholic traditions — by a “bokor” (sorcerer) able to “capture a person’s soul and turn it into a soulless ‘zombi’ that will perform their bidding.” Zombies entered politics when America invaded ...
particularly those on the front line, equips them with the skills to handle people from diverse backgrounds, not just cultural, and also ensures that those receiving the service will have a positive experience. In this respect, I understand that the Hospital Authority has been providing its front...
“Must be a special lady,”wboever it is that will be getting \those beautiful flowers.”she said. “Yes, she’s speciao,”I said ,and then to my cnbarrassment ,the words kept coming out.“It‘s only our second dute, but somchow I am just having the feeling she’s‘the one,...
Former UN secretary-general Kofi Annan has urged African leaders to leave when their mandated time is up and to avoid excluding opposing voices if elections are...
The contrast, then, would seem to be with something that is securely controlled by our own will; such a thing would be an internal good. Typically (at least within virtue ethics), this is what we take virtue to be. The Stoics (including Boethius on this score) are particularly explicit ...