It was hoped that, by leaving the United States out of the group, more progress could be made, without the irritant of the ill will between Washington and Caracas. Given that history, it might have made sense for the Lima Group countries to be the first to recognize Guaidó. But Washingto...
When Men Behave Badly: The Hidden Roots of Sexual Deception, Harassment, and Assault by David M. Buss | Amazon The Evolution of Desire: Strategies of Human Mating by David M. Buss | Amazon David Buss | Troubleshooting Strategies from the Evolution of Desire | Jordan Harbinger ...
One thing is almost certain:There will probably be no Black Friday 2.0. The legal case against online poker was very weak, and so the BF prosecutions relied on bank fraud-related charges backed up with specific knowledge provided by industry insider Daniel Tzvetkoff. Now that the sites have ...
Revenge of the Sith is super dark and the most physically violent of the films. I want to wait until I feel the boys are ready to internalize that much intensity. I suspect that will be around 10 years or, perhaps older. After that we'll pick up where we ...
“This present world will be transformed energetically, and new planetary conditions in the fourth dimension will prevail on Earth. The new race of Humans in this Age will express a different quality of consciousness, a fourth-dimensional consciousness, and have abilities considered Super-Human in ...
② We hope that our respected Secretary—General will not forget himself. His poor health is known to all. 我们希望尊敬的秘书长多加保重。他的身体欠佳,这是众所周知的。① The representatives of the two superpowers all expressed their so- called distress at finding the war still going on in ...