” the president continued, “trade duties and barriers, financial measures, economic sanctions if you will.” In the short term, however, the president’s first move would be to meet with the Russians—and to propose a nuclear alliance against China...
Theturningpointimposedon herwasamilitant protestor-ganisedby NS pensioners. Theprotest wastriggeredby adecisionmadeby thefac-toryin 2002 to stopsubsidisingpensionpayments,which wasapart of thelargerrestructuringpackage.Thisdecisiontriggeredthelargest,longest,and mostmili-tantanddesperate protestorganisedby ...
Keep political hatred and confrontations away at least when you look on Gandhian images.A true Indian can inspire himself simply looking on Gandhian sculptors and photos because no where in the world you will find such a noble personality who stand still in our mind as the seer of tol...