Smartphones like the iPhone 5C/S, Galaxy Note 3 and more will soon be unveiled on stage to a veritable cacophony of adjectives. We’ll be told by various people that these improved devices are ‘amazing’, they will ‘astound’ (rather than confound), that this new wondrous device is ‘...
Notable for its gull-wing doors and unique body styling, the DMC-12 (usually just referred to as “the DeLorean,” as it was the company’s only model) was plagued by performance and safety issues. Its fate was sealed when the auto industry faced a dramatic downturn in the early 80s a...
With the Xbox 360 generation of consoles one of the main selling points was HD gaming, like the switch from 2d to 3D there was a clear easy to digest benefit to switching. However with this new generation there is not that clear, killer feature – sure the games will look prettier but ...