We're not guarding against that when trying to create a dedicated console to run code, which is causing the bug you reported. The solution for now is for you to install Spyder 5.4 in your non-base env. Unfortunately, Spyder and Spyder-kernels versions need to paired to work as expected ...
Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/zhanglei/Python代码/PyQT6例程/一键生成pyinstaller编译参数/main.py", line 12, in import qtawesome as qta File "/opt/homebrew/lib/python3.9/site-packages/qtawesome/init.py", line 20, in from qtpy import ...
which is sometimes not in line with more recent PyQt5 documentation. So there has been lots of trial and error along the way. I am able to run the below script once, however upon a second run of the script I keep running up against this error: "QBasicTimer::start: Stopping previous ...
expected output should be nothing, but I saw the above Versions Spyder version: 6.0.0 Python version: 3.10.9 PyQt version: 5.15.9 Operating System name/version: Ubuntu 22.04 Dependencies # Mandatory: aiohttp >=3.9.3 : 3.10.5 (OK) asyncssh >=2.14.0,<3.0.0 : 2.17.0 (OK) atomicwrites...
Hi, when I launch qomui-gui in terminal : QLayout: Attempting to add QLayout "" to QWidget "statusTab", which already has a layout QLayout: Attempting to add QLayout "" to QomuiGui "Form", which already has a layout When I try to close q...
Thanks for dividing into this@jaimergp! I also just tested it yesterday with napari bundle 0.4.11. It's not so easily reproducible. I think the error typically happens, when I use napari for a while and then decide to install something (without restarting in advance)... Will report again...
Install the necessary dependencies for OpenCV. This can include packages likebuild-essential,cmake,git, and so on. You can use the package manager of the base image (e.g.,apt-getfor Ubuntu) to install these dependencies. For example, you can add the following line to your Dockerfile to ...
This error occurred when application is running. I used: PyInstaller 3.3 Python 3.5.2 Windows 10 Anaconda Bundle for data analysis library (pandas, numpy, etc.) Here is the Python code: import sys from helper.helper import Helper from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtGui, QtPrintSupport, QtWidgets ...
74272 INFO: Loading module hook 'hook-PyQt5.QtCore.py' from 'c:\\users\\fletcher.chapin\\appdata\\local\\continuum\\anaconda2\\envs\\pipeline3\\lib\\site-packages\\PyInstaller\\hooks'... 74358 INFO: Loading module hook 'hook-PyQt5.QtGui.py' from 'c:\\users\\fletcher.chapin\\app...
I will be able to reproduce this nicely and check with Qt company what this could be about. Anyway, good luck! kayhayenchanged the title"Windows fatal exception: access violation" (also "Fatal Python error: Segmentation fault"?) inpytestqt/wait_signal.pyCannot use slot name "quit" in Py...