This year, eyes are on Warner Bros.' Mad Max prequel, which centers on the warrior Furiosa from 2015's "Fury Road," and the long-awaited sequel to 1988's "Beetlejuice," which is also coming from the studio. There's also the hotly anticipated "Deadpool 3," the first R-ratedDisney-M...
It’s only some pacing hiccups here and there that prevent Furiosa from matching its predecessor and its “oh my lord it’s one giant action scene!” structure. But in a number of ways, Furiosa aims higher than Fury Road. Furiosa is a more character-driven film, giving a complete backsto...
James Gavin:I was initially drawn to George Michael when he released his albumOlder. Until that time, my head had been in a completely different place than pop music. I was in love with the Great American Songbook, but that album spun my head around for so many reasons. I was extremel...