When City Seeks Election Judges, It Means BusinessPatricia Moore
Update:Donald Trumpwas projected to be the winner early Wednesday morning. Follow thelatest coverage here.Election resultsbegan coming in Tuesday night, but in manykey states, it may take a while to know who has won — and much longer to get official, certified results.There are a number of...
Last week local county election judges were asked to come in to help process mail-in ballots. This year (2022) election judges were asked again to help process mail-in ballots but I was unable to make it work with my schedule. Only official election judges can verify signatures. There were...
There likely will be more availability to present at the research roundtable.Presentations at the research roundtable should be works in progress, not published (or committed to publication) prior to the event. Contributions to the policy program may be works in progress or published (or committed...
Settlements will be publicly disclosed and identify lawmakers who are liable. The bill is a monumental step forward when compared to how a second branch of the federal government, the federal judiciary, has addressed the problem of sexual harassment by powerful, mostly male federal judges who hold...
But don’t worry – if there are a few spots that could use a little more development, another song and/or dance number will be right along to keep our Spirits high. The cast puts their all into it; most play several parts and must be exhausted by the end of the night. The energy...
For example, in the waste management public company AMA, judges observed that"the corrupt phenomenon has reached its maximum expression, contaminating all tenders"44 In the intercepted dialogue, Buzzi recalls the percent- age of the contract value already paid to the CEO of AMA, to explain why ...
. After OR 114 I can’t believe Oregon will go GOP. OTOH maybe those in the election offices ignore their “betters” and let the mail-in-ballots prevail and don’t lean on the scale. Enough people appear to be angry at the swap and no-votes Kamala (primary votes for Biden are ...
McKibben said,” Judge Michel is one of the first senior patent judges to openly call out his colleagues on this corruption, good for him.” “Tellingly, Judge Michel’s 2010 successor as chief judge of the Federal Circuit wasRandall R. Rader. “ ...
President Donald Trump has moved back into the White House, after a decisive victory in the November 2024 presidential election. Trump is the first U.S. President to win the presidential election after previously losing it. Trump is the 45th and 47th President of the United States. His ...