LATE-NC masquerading clinically as AD dementia is a potential confounder to keep in mind for clinicians, but the misdiagnosis of Probable AD in participants of pure LATE-NC will presumably become less common as clinical diagnostics continue to improve. There were some limitations to the current ...
All Q values (ancestry coefficients) were 40.50, and 95% of individuals were assigned with Q40.75, the exceptions being mostly NON samples (Figure 4). No additional substructure was seen when NL was removed from the analysis (not shown). The PCoA (Figure 3b) showed little genetic structure ...
In the case of Thailand, citizenship by birth is by blood, or to use the Latin phrase “jus sanguinis” (by the right of blood). In layman terms, it means the right to citizenship through one’s bloodline or ancestry. The main exception is when a child is born in Thailand to two fo...
Although in the last few years the treatment of metastatic TNBC has made great strides, our current knowledge about biomarkers represents only the tip of the iceberg, and it is likely that, in the near future, the treatment landscape of TNBC will radically change again, with ever more precise...
1. It’s ingrained in his DNA Most adult dogs have far more developed brains than puppies and they’ll easily know that biting your feet might cause you pain. So, a mature dog will rarely nip at your feet in response to his hunting instincts. However, there are other kinds of instincts...