to the extent funds become available. There is no fee for speakers to attend the conference; other attendees will make a $10-$20 contribution to help defray costs. The conference will be webcast and is open to members of the public.
This narrow focus on determinants was underscored by numerous articles’ use of national census data to conduct this examination. In some cases, patients’ socio-economic statuses were framed as being so important to studying equity in healthcare systems that researchers used various indices as ...
I know this is not the right place to ask this kind of question, but I'm experiencing the same issue once I migrated from System.Data.SqlClient to Microsoft.Data.SqlClient while trying to execute a native compiled stored procedure on an SQL 2019 compatiblity Azure SQL Database through a l...
identify their make and model. but they began wondering about other applications they might build on top of that capability. if you drew correlations between census data and the cars visible on a street, could that provide a way to estimate the demographic or economic characteristics of any ...
And note the numbers only partially make sense – there’s 337 million people in the US according to the census clock, but the lawsuit filing that exposed the breach states the bad guys got north of 2.9 billion records. Divide 2,900 by 337 yields around 86 records per person, so maybe,...
How results get packaged will affect how they are perceived. Cookies can be cut into shapes and decorated, then arrayed on a platter or stored in a zipper-storage bag. Research reports can be kept private or released to the public. They can be aimed at a particular audience, from non-tec...
Temps will have a hard time reaching into the 50's and will dip into the 20s and 30s overnight. Cover your plants or bring them inside. It may be time to start packing up the patio for winter. I don't want to bring it up, but there's also a prediction of the dreaded s-word....
It may not be coincidental that the German autobahn that informed President Eisenhower's vision of the interstate highway is also toll free for passenger cars. 28 The urban population of the US is probably larger, as the figures for total population (311,677,000) come from the US Census ...
Shees, the way some people on this blog come up with opinions without bothering to look up facts is ridiculous – glad to see at least a few of you can do a simple census data check. Daniel December 1, 2013 at 12:35 pm I didn’t say they were living in Torrance....
We want to point your attention to some of the incredible work that has come out recently in the last year that is related, either directly or tangentially, to some of the findings in our article. On fostering environments of support and growth in organizations and society: Beronda L. Montg...