They weretheemperor. 2根据汉语提示,完成下列教材中的句子(1)当皇帝看他自己时,他只看见了他的内衣。When the emperorhe only saw his underwear.(2)皇帝不得不给他们丝绸和金子,但是他们都把这一切据为己有。The emperor had to give them silk and gold, buttheyeverything(3)没有人想(让自己)听起来...
When the emperor he only saw his underwear.(2)皇帝不得不给他们丝绸和金子,但是他们都把这一切据为己有。The emperor had to give them silk and gold,but they everything(3)没有人想(让自己)听起来愚蠢。Nobody wanted(4)他们试图欺骗国王。They were the emperor. 2【题目】根据汉语提示,完成下列...
2024年3月广东省一模英语 When Mary entered the south Pole Penguin Research Lab , she saw her friend Tom gently stroking(轻抚)a penguin in his arms. As children of the lab scientists , Mary and Tom often observed the...
Of course, no communication or integration could have been possible with only efforts from one side. Back in the 17thcentury, another batch of mathematicians made it to China, and were received by Emperor Kangxi. They brought to...
When were emperor penguins discovered? The Birds at the End of the World: Emperor penguins are the most-southern living bird species in the world, living on the Antarctic continent. Adapted to surviving temperatures far below zero and wind speeds faster than even so tornadoes and hurricanes, the...
The emperor had to (5) them silk and 皇帝不得不给他们丝绸和金子,但gold, but they (6) everything for them- 他们为自己留下了所有的东西。他们selves. They were trying to cheat/tʃi:t/ the 试图欺骗皇帝。emperor.This story is about an emperor who loved 这个故事是关于一个喜爱衣服的(7)...
One day when the government officials(官员)were rebuilding a barn(谷仓), they found a mouse hole in a corner and used smoke to force the mice inside the hole to come out. A while later they saw mice running out, one after another. The strange thing was that after two mice came out ...
Who were they invented by 5.--它们用来做什么? --它们用来在黑暗中看东西。? --What are they used for? --They are used for seeing in the dark/ They are used to see in the dark. 6.很快人人都来订购薄薄的,...
,this changed under Emperor Qinshihuang.During the Qin Dynasty,the Chinese writing system began to develop in one direction,and it was extremely important in (6) uniting(unite) the Chinese people and culture.Even today,wherever Chinese people live or whatever dialects they speak,they...
The two teens worked 2.together for their school’s science fair.They wanted to do something to help homeless people.They were inspired(启发) to make the backpack after Pasha’s uncle died on the street.Because of mental(精神的) 3.illness, he became homeless and started living on the stre...