Most striking was that players were much more prepared to pay – by allocating a greater amount of tax money to refugees – for the costs of welcoming refugees when a mandatory integration program for refugees was adopted. This may be for two reasons. One is that by following integration cour...
After seven days (earthworm) and nineteen days (roots), the researchers correlated the observed root growth and burrowed tunnels with the recorded noises – they were highly consistent. Control measurements from cells containing only soil confirmed that the sounds originated from roots and earthworm ac...
which corresponds to birds that risk being run over. "In addition, more than 25 percent of the crossings in front of the train have birds that were perched on the ground, roads or cables of the infrastructure just before the train passes, as protagonists," says the researcher....
The study includes data on Swedish employees and firms from 1995 to 2002, all compiled by the government of Sweden . All together, the researchers were able to study 585,311 employees working for 286 public firms. Researchers used this data set because in Sweden , unlike the United States ,...
not address the issue as to how these goals can be achieved for land-related SDGs in the real world, and attention in this paper is therefore focused on how land management can contribute to providing ecosystem services in line with the aims of the SDGs and the Green Deal. Agricultural prod...
The results of a content analysis were then reported, with a focus on the United Nation’s SDGs. To discover the major research papers dealing with sustainable HRM and wellbeing, we comprehensively searched for articles in significant journals in the fields of HRM, organizational behavior, ...
Currently, the term environmental awareness is perceived by some scientists as environmental knowledge, attitudes (values), and environmental behaviour, which can influence each other (e.g., [9,10]). To measure attitudes, a couple of scales were developed in the last few decades. The ...