B When you are driving on the roads in America, you should be careful, Different places have different rules. So remembering the following rules may help you out of serious trouble from the policemen.Keep Right Rule The traffic observes the "keep right rule". While driving, even what you ...
19.Zippersarewidelyusedinour___nowandtheywereinventedattheendofthe19thcentury. 20.Movies___weremadein1926inAmerica. 第二部分(笔试共90分) Ⅲ.完形填空(共20小题,计20分) 第一节: Onceuponatime,therewasascientist.Hewantedtostudy__21__.Theninthelaboratoryhe__22__twopeanuts(花生)intoatallglassb...
A.Before the new two-lane roads were built. B.After World War II. C.During World War II. D.Before World War II. 【小题2】New four-1ane roads were build ___. A.in GermanyB.by car and oil companies C.in AmericaD.when something suddenly happened 【小题...
A.Before the new two-lane roads were built. B.After World War II. C.During World War II. D.Before World War II. 2.New four-1ane roads were build ___. A.in Germany B.by car and oil companies C.in America D.when something suddenly happened 3.The underlined word “building”...
2.I think it was invented in 1876.我认为它是在1876年被发明的。3.Think about how often it’s used in our daily lives.想一想在我们的日常生活中使用它的频率。4.You do seem to have a point...看来你说的确实有点道理……核心·考点1.With pleasure! 乐意效劳!(教材P42)pleasure常用于以下两种...
AffordablechildcareinAmericaisadream. “Screentimeisusedasalastsubstituteforchildcareformanyfamilies,”sayslicensedchildtherapist(治疗师)KatieLear.“Particularlyforparents whoworkfromhome,itcanbehardtojustifyhiringacaregiverorpayingfordaycare.Andyet childrenneedtobeabletokeepthemselvesoccupiedduringimportantworkcalls.Tu...
the world.Ford’s use of mass production strategies to manufacture the Model T started a new era in personal transportation.As a result ,roads were built for the sake of cars and the greater mobility of people.With cars and the roads,having a business of one’s own become a lot more ...
These crossings are clearly a step in the right way to offer living chances and safety to wild animals. And with these bridges, both animal and human deaths on roads will continue to go down. 1. Where was the first green bridge built?
My question to that is back then how monitor all of that and determine if the people crossing were going faster than they should? Don't you just love history? BOO: These are the scariest haunted roads in America Brace yourself for the next turn.Way.combreaks down the most haunted roadways...
When Columbus ‘sailed the ocean blue in 1492’ wasn’t looking for America, he wassearching for a route from Spain to China; Americ a just got in the way.The Spanish were after the riches of Asia: silk, dates, spices. Until later adventures discovered how to sail to the Far East, ...