After interviews via phone, email, and in person, I discovered that there were many women and men who were afraid to share opinions that didn’t align with the “complaint feminism” narrative about sexism and oppression in every corner of our sport. They were afraid of scrutiny and wanted ...
“These Are Very Bad Dudes” — David Buss on Sexual Conflict and the Dark Triad | Quillette Self-Defense Tools for Women, but Make Them Cool | Glamour Texas Candidate’s Comment About Rape Causes a Furor | The New York Times A Gentleman’s Guide to Rape Culture by Zaron Burnett III ...
In the 19th century, this lost American boomtown shipped 15 train cars of sturgeon roe daily. Here's the surprising story of how a bar snack became black gold.
“locker room talk”: I played sports for much of my life. I’ve been in a lot of locker rooms, and have occasionally heard some shitty things said about women, but I’ve never heard anything that approaches that Trump tape. Even the misogynistic dudes that I’ve known aren’t rape-...
TD Jakes:“When God created Adam…God said, “I wanted to see what I looked like, so I made you to be my image. You have my DNA You {are} created out of me. You are a derivative of me.” (video) Earl Paulk:“Adam and Eve were placed in the world as the seed and expressio...
evidence points to other factors leading to the group’s return. Popular media usually is a byproduct of the cultural attitude surrounding specific topics. Essentially, many believe the people committing hate crimes were racist before someone created a film or performed an offensive routine. And wh...
So, the conclusion drawn by Mizutani was that“Osu!”is a very rough masculine expression used mainly by young men toward other men, most often while engaged in athletic activities, and that it basically means“Hey ya!”in English.
it’s a huge bonus for me because I prefer even the mp3 over the trendy cassette revival that’s going on these days. I know a lot of you weren’t around during the heyday of cassette trading, and it was cool, but the format shouldn’t be an object of worship. If you knew how...