” but 30 years on, the show is acknowledged as a hit. “Seinfeld,” the show famously about nothing,changed the way sitcoms were written and shot, and when its finale aired in 1998,76 million Americans
As I’ve written before, my BBQ time is mostly focused on TrueCue.org these days. If you’ve yet to check out the site, or haven’t been in a few weeks, check it out now. We overhauledthe websiteand have a solid list of wood-cookingbarbecue restaurants in NC. Below are a couple...
For example, you could create a list of all the books that Stephen King has written, and then read them all. All you’d need to do to get the titles is search for “Stephen King books” on Google, and then write out your list. ...
When did the Epic of Gilgamesh take place? When did Terry Pratchett create Discworld? When was The Voyage of the Dawn Treader published? When did George R.R. Martin start writing Game of Thrones? When were the Outlander books written? When did JRR Tolkien write The Two Towers? When did ...
For example, if you were writing an article about Langston Hughes’s poems—highlighting “Harlem” in particular—the title of your article might be something like this: “Reflections on ‘Harlem’ and Other Poems” Notice how, when we talk about the poem “Harlem” on its own, we use th...
When was Anne of Green Gables written? When did Camus start writing The Stranger? When was The Princess Bride first published? When was Mrs. Dalloway published? When was the first fairy tale written? When was Ubik first published? When were the Harry Potter books written? When did Hans Chri...
Now, I could recommend a ton of books from D&D, but I think the easiest one to get into and find is probably the Player's Handbook, which will introduce you to the world, the races, the classes, and the general vibe of D&D. Understanding a game like Dungeons and Dra...
although I greatly enjoy reading these books they don’t give me quite the same thrill as the Ava Lee set. They are well-researched, well-written and loads of fun – and absolutely lurid – but for some reason the characters are not quite as compelling. If something bad happened to Ava...
Note: I’ve written this from the viewpoint of someone who has halfheartedly watched the television show, skimmed a few chapters of the first book, and chatted a little with a professor of medieval history. Game of Thrones is cruising towards its final episode, and at the same time, fan...
but I don't know how to address my blindness. I feel like I'll be written off immediately if I'm upfront about it. But I also don't want to keep this thing hidden. It's kind of a paradox. I need to boost my confidence with dating, but it's a blow to my confidence if I'...