[translate] aMany Electronic Medical Records (EMR) applications can be more effective and may be performed more easily when deployed in conjunction with a speech-recognition engine. 许多电子病历(EMR)应用是更加有效的,并且也许更加容易地执行,当与语言识别引擎一道时部署。 [translate] ...
aMany Electronic Medical Records (EMR) applications can be more effective and may be performed more easily when deployed in conjunction with a speech-recognition engine. Searches, queries, and form filling may all be faster to perform by voice than by using a keyboard. 许多电子病历(EMR)应用是...
Our purpose is to counter the common wisdom that doctors are refractory to change and therefore responsible for the limited use of electronic medical records. We draw on experience with electronic medical records in two Harvard Medical School teaching hospitals dating back to the early 1980s. Doctor...
Electronic medical records and the academic neurologist: when carrots turn into sticks. Ann Neurol. 2012;72(6):A5-6.Josephson SA, Johnston SC, Hauser SL. Electronic medical records and the academic neurologist: when carrots turn into sticks. Ann Neurol 2012;72:A5-A6....
Healthcare workers' experience when using an electronic medical order entry and barcode technology in an ICU To compare the incidence of anxiety, depression and post-traumatic stress symptoms in pairs of patients and respective family members during the ICU stay a... R Fumis,I Souza,V Pizzo,....
Shared medical visit notes are notes written by clinicians that are made available (“open”) to patients in electronic health records. Clinicians add medical notes to a patient’s electronic health record following clinical encounters such as office visits. There is no difference between the n...
Lisa Greene-Lewis, a certified public accountant and TurboTax spokesperson, says that even if you don't receive 1099s, "it's important to keep careful records and track all income under these limits, as you still need to report all income regardless of whether or not you recei...
warmerifthenumberofturbines(涡轮机)were increased markedly.Researcherssaythey?llrequire much morelandthanpreviouslythought, needingfiveto20timesmorespacethanearlier studieshavesuggested.Andwindscreatedbyvast fieldsofturbinescould mix warm andcoolair, whichmakesthesurfacequitewarm . Despitethepotentialdrawbacks,howev...
When a designer elects to use a modular configurable power supply as their power system, they have the reassurance that the power system itself will not be a direct cause of a regulatory non-compliance. This offers peace of mind, reduces agency testing costs, and can greatly improve the prod...
When it comes to any business, whether it’s in the healthcare industry or not, you’ll have to focus all on this first. Essentially, the foundation of preventing medical supply loss is a well-organizedinventory management toolsystem. So, it’s best to go ahead and implement an electronic...