1.shoeswithspecialheels特殊后跟的鞋子Whenweretheyinvented? 2.hoticecreamscoop热的冰其淋勺子Students:, 3.runonelectricity电动的①Thetelephonewasinventedin1876. 4.beusedfor被用作②Thecomputerwasinventedin... 重点词组 5.thesubjectformyschoolproject ...
Withthevirus 3 ,foodstoresintheareawerenearly 4 .Placesthatsoldplantsfor gardeningwereclosed.Peoplehadnoenoughvegetablestoeat.SoZachariahandhisfather 5 seedsfromwhateverfruitsandvegetablestheycouldfindtoplantonthe 6 ofthegarden.They alsowatchedYouTubevideostolearnabout 7 andrememberedinformationthatZachariah?s ...
B:It’susedforseeingthings.A:Whowasitinventedby?B:ThomasEdison. A:Isitalightbulb? B:Yes.Doyouknowwhenitwasinvented?A:Wasitinventedinthe19thcentury? B:Yes.Itwasinventedin1879.Doyouknowwhatit’smadeof?A:It’smadeofglassandmetal. (三)拓展创新类 作业内容 任选1至3种你喜欢的物品,例如电器,建筑...
The Dionysian Mysteries themselves were fertility rituals of ancient Greece and Rome in which revelers used intoxicants, dance, and music to induce a trance-like ecstatic state to remove inhibitions and social constraints so that they may enter a more natural or primal state of consciousness. The...
Let's take a look at that. CD Player Components Inside a CD player The CD player has the job of finding and reading the audio signals stored as bumps on the CD. Considering how small the bumps are, the CD player is an exceptionally precise piece of equipment. The drive consists of...
Someofthelittlethingsweusuallyuseinourlifewereinventedbyaccident. ChesterGreenwoodwasafifteen-year-oldboywholivedinthe1800s.Chesterwasallowedtoplayoutside.Hisparentslethimgoouteverydayeveninthewintertime.;ChesterlivedinMaine,wherethewinterswereinamuchlowertemperature.Therewaslotsofsnowandstrongwinds.Beingoutside...
(some time)?Wh- was/were sth. done?Grammar Focus Passive voice (past tense)sth. was/were done (by sb.)(some time)sth. was/were not done (by sb.)(some time) Was/Weresth. done (by sb.)(some time)?Wh- was/were sth. done?A:When was/were...invented?B:It was/They were ...
It was invented in 1876Who was it invented by?It was invented by BellA: What is the phone used for?B: The phone is used for talking with people.What’s this called in English?microwave ovencartelevisiontelephone computerbatteryLook at the things. In what order do you think they were ...