But what is still a wonder to me is my mother drinking Chinese tea. 【1】 Why did the mother ask for Chinese green tea? A.She was tired of Indian tea. B.She had a son working in China. C.She believed it had a curing effect. D.She was fond of Chinese products. 【2】 What do...
nearestpark.Ontheroad,therewerepeopleofallages. InoticedtherewasacrowdinacornerwhenIwent 36 (close)andpushedmywaytothefront. ThenIsawanoldman 37 (lie)onthegrass.Ayoungwomaninherearly 38 (twenty)nextto himwascrying.Icouldnotunderstandwhypeoplethereweredoingnothing. Suddenly, 39 oldvoiceseemedtocallme...
-An illegal bar where drinks were sold, during the time of prohibition. It was calleda Speakeasybecause people literally had to speak easy so they were not caught drinking alcohol by the police. Did Prohibition Cause the Great Depression?
London wasestablishedbythe Romansaround 2,000yearsagoandhasbeencontinuallyinhabited (居住于)sincethen.Inallthattime,however,nobody hadtheideatoreplacealltheparks with bigbox storesorhighbuildings,whichmeansLondonalready hasamuchlowerurbandensity (密度)than mostof theworld?scities.Nowadaysaboutathirdofthecity...
The first thing is that you already established that if he was going to school you were not going to charge him rent. He is telling you that he is intentionally not going to finish school. This means it is time you let him know that you are going to charge him the going rate for ...
Have you established your own individual banking accounts for your everyday financial needs and reviewed your new balance sheet? You likely will need to open accounts in your individual name and develop a list of your revised assets and liabilities. ...
aDouble-entry bookkeeping developed in europe in the middle ages to serve a stewardship role when the functions of ownership and management became separated,accrual accounting became established as debt was more reliably. 在欧洲开发的复式簿记在中年服务管理工作角色,当归属和管理的作用变得分离,应计制会...
Across today’s developed world, there is a clear mortality gradient by socioeconomic status for all ages. It is often taken for granted that this gradient was as strong—or even stronger—in the past when social transfers were rudimentary and health care systems were less developed. Some studi...
A few months ago I was reprimanded for using the phrase “drinking the Kool-Aid.” The person kindly pointed out that many of the Jonestown victims in 1977 did not know they were committing suicide and, therefore, should not be criticized for their decision. This point was expressed very cl...
you will have your benefit amount reduced by 25%-30% depending on your age. Additionally, your spouse will have their benefit reduced by 30%-35%. Retiring at ages 66–67 will provide a full Social Security benefit, depending on when you were born, and age 70 is the latest age to star...