Named forAmber Hagerman, a 9-year-old murdered in Texas in 1996,Amber Alertsare now distributed via most versions of electronic communication. First used in 1997, abudtenderoversees the sale oflegal cannabis. 1996: Gastropub, smartphone Oldmobil // Wikimedia Commons 1996: Gastropub, smartphone...
If you need to weed out the avalanche of pictures of abused dogs, self-help affirmations with sparkly unicorns, dog adoption requests, Amber Alerts, game players, and non-stop adorable pictures of a white cat called Lucie, this works for those, too. Sometimes you can actually get your fr...
Pretend relaxers had never been invented My daughter is growing up in a world of 24 hour entertainment so she will probably never understand the pleasure that her mum got as a child from early Saturday morning cartoons (remember He-man?). As difficult as it is to fathom, therewasa time ...
1997: Amber Alert, budtender Other notable words: emoji, friend with benefits, judgy, m-commerce, smackdown, weblog Named for Amber Hagerman, a 9-year-old murdered in Texas in 1996, Amber Alerts are now distributed via most versions of electronic communication. First used in 1997, a bud...