Oh To Be Like Thee 主我愿像你 (English Hymn Chinese Lyrics) 主 求你來恢復 Lord, Come Now to Restore (Chinese Hymn English Lyrics) 主的喜乐是我力量 The Joy of the Lord is My Strength (Chinese Hymn English Lyrics) Come Thou Long Expected Jesus 我们渴望的耶稣 (中英...
after all. Our waking lives are filled with equal measure of it. Frailty, that is. Being human means that in every given moment we can simultaneously feel “blessed” or “stressed” beyond measure. Haven’t we all felt that shadow of “dread” that can come upon us ...
That's the thing with expectations--things do not always go the way we think they will. As hard as we may try to NOT have expectations, I think we just instinctively do this. We believe things one way and don't really think about another possibility, until we are punched in the gut...
sweet, tender and sacred. I suppose “bitter sweet” is the right word. Sweetness tinged with sadness. The evidence of Lorna’s presence, love and support is undeniable. We have been introduced to and embraced that “order of heaven” that allows loved ones to minister to those of us left...
We are promised be bear good fruit,if we remain close to Jesus.So this needs to be our Top priority. He will guide us each morning as to all the other goals. We don’t know what the future will hold and what we will face, but if we meet with God and talk with Him on a daily...
When we set aside Rosenberg’s fantasy of a purely emotional response to literature, we see there are good and bad ways of responding to literary studies’ interdisciplinary nature. Two decades ago, the infamous “Sokal Hoax” exposed the pretensions of an earlier generation of literary scholars...
the of and to a in that is was he for it with as his on be at by i this had not are but from or have an they which one you were all her she there would their we him been has when who will no more if out so up said what its about than into them can only other time new...