“It never fails to make me smile. I found it a few years back and loved it, so I showed it to my boyfriend, who is now my husband. One day I was having a really bad night so he played the video for me and it cheered me right up! He still uses that tactic to this day.”...
It gets very annoying when you switch to full-screen mode on YouTube when playing a video, and it starts stuttering. This issue happens a lot for those using Chrome. In this guide, we’re going to talk about why YouTube videos might stutter on Chrome in full screen and how you can f...
If you love books and romance novels and also you're kind of horny, then Literotica is the place for you. It's written erotic materials that'll help you get off. This post was originally published in August 2020 and updated in July 2024. Topics Porn Pornhub More...
Accordingtohercolleague,ZhouChengyuwasverysurprisedwhenshefoundoutshewent viralonline.Shesaidthatshewashappywhenshesawpeopleonlineregardingherastheprideof thecountry,andyetshekeptsayingthatshewas“nobodybutanormalworkeratalaunchsite” andtherearealotmorepeoplejustlikehergoingunnoticed whiledoingthehardestjobto guar...
Last updated: April 11, 2017 ISSUE When you insert or play an embedded video (or other media file) in a presentation, PowerPoint crashes. This includes embedded YouTube videos. STATUS: FIXED To resolve this issue, install Windows KB4...
YouTube videos appear as green boxes or black boxes. I was bored so I did a complete Windows 10 reinstall. Once I downloaded the 23.9.2 drivers I went right back to having issues. Uninstalled 23.9.2 and installed 23.9.1. No issues yet. specs: X570 AORUS PRO WIFI|RYZEN ...
I too was struggling for hours. 🙂","body@stripHtml({\"removeProcessingText\":false,\"removeSpoilerMarkup\":false,\"removeTocMarkup\":false,\"truncateLength\":200})@stringLength":"80","kudosSumWeight":0,"repliesCount":0,"postTime":"2023-01-04T05:23:39.751-08:00",...
Restart your PC, startEdgeagain, and check if the YouTube not working on Edge is corrected. Before the introduction of HTML5, Flash was in charge of web video, but Flash is almost replaced with HTML5 today. Many users suggest removing and disabling Flash if you want to fix Microsoft Edge...
{scheme}"') yt_dlp.networking.exceptions.UnsupportedRequest: Unsupported url scheme: "wss" The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception: Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Users\tom\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\site-packages\yt_dlp\YoutubeDL.py...
However, once the setting has been active for some time, go ahead and click on the ‘404 Logs’ tab. You’ll see a list of broken links under the URL column, the number of visits under the Hits column, and the last accessed date. ...