I don’t think I had the reaction I was supposed to have when Riot announced their all-female VALORANT Champions Tour Game Changers event. But I’ll be honest here. I thought, “Oh my lord, not another all-female tournament. I thought we were done with these.” VALORANT has been ...
It was inDecember of 2018that Valve made the game free to play. This article was released on December 6th 2018: ORIGINAL STORY 6/12/2018: Valve has announced today that its six-year-old, still-popular FPS Counter-Strike: Global Offensive has gone free-to-play. When was the first CS go...
I didn't know how big 100 Thieves was I guess. But now since joining them, you can tell how hardworking all the staff are and how motivated they all are to keep improving and growing the company. It shows. So I mean
Ubisoft publicly announced to investors in September that upcoming “Assassin’s Creed Shadows” would miss its November release date and instead bow in February 2025. This rang as a significant strategy upheaval, as the mainline entries for “Assassin’s Creed” have always received Q4 releas...
Doublelift:Um, yeah. I thought Splyce was a free win. I still think they are a free win. It is just that we were griefing on stage. I thought if they wanted to make it interesting, they would set up Fnatic or G2 agains...
There's a really big narrative this Spring about how you came into this team, replaced Svenskeren who was the MVP of the Split last Summer, Cloud9 was super dominant and EG started off really bad. So everyone was comparing you two, like is Blaber way better...
Was that line clearly visible to you today? It felt that I wouldn’t die even if I kept dealing damage. I think other players would have seen the same thing. I was shooting them because it didn’t seem like I would die; until I feel the danger...