Now it means, “the woman has 100% of the choices post-conception, including the choice to opt out of parental responsibility even after a child is born, but the man is financially responsible for his biological offspring even if he was 13 and she was 35 when it was conceived.” What k...
“social” was always a prefix. Calling them social is somewhat of a misnomer, there’s not much about these games that are especially social. Yes, they contain features which aim to replicate the look and feel of other online gaming communities, with leader boards and functions where you ...
Linku was at the precipice of adulthood, preparing for the time he would one day be king. But in Masai Mara, a king was expected to do much more than rule from a secured throne room. A king was expected to take action; a king was expected to fight for it’s kingdom. And that m...
In ancient Rome, February 14th was a holid 分享51赞 阿提拉全面战争吧 wolf1776 PCGamer:阿提拉是近十年来最好的全战作品PC Gamer网站对阿提拉的年终评价,说吧,收了CA多少钱 Attila may have hammered the last nail into the 分享502 斯巴达克斯吧 淡淡的梦味 艾力冈与纳西尔分别...