SK E&S had reached a level of competence in O&M that allowed an alternative O&M strategy to be explored, planned and eventually implemented. This paper describes the strategy that was adopted by SK E&S, the reasons behind making this decision, how the strategy was both planned and ...
The A. glycines transcriptome was annotated using Blast2GO, which implemented BLASTx searches (e value <1.0E-3) between all A. glycines contigs and the NCBI Reference Sequence database (Refseq_protein) [71]. Following the mapping step, gene ontology (GO) terms with e value <1.0E-6, ...
Though the first approach has not been industrially implemented so far, the grain boundary diffusion process was introduced industrially some years ago [13]. 3. Theoretical Recycling Potential of NdFeB Magnets in the European Union until 2040 In this section, the theoretical recycling potential of ...
The first workshop, "The Vibropod", was implemented during the first author's art, and research residency, carried out at the "Chambre Blanche", a self-managed artist center, from 27 February 2017 to 27 February 2018, while the second, "The Pointe-aux-Lièvres", was held in a Québec...
2. Genome-Wide Expression Studies The objective of the underlying studies was the functional characterization of a small number of plant-specific DNA binding with One Finger (DOF) proteins that contain a highly conserved DNA-binding domain composed of 52 amino acid residues that fold into a C2–...
For each of these levels, the burner manufacturer has implemented appropriate settings for the fuel feeding time, fan output and grate ash removal frequency. • Shutting down—At this stage, the fan was in operation to provide air for full combus- tion of the pellets on the grate. For ...
The A. glycines transcriptome was annotated using Blast2GO, which implemented BLASTx searches (e value <1.0E-3) between all A. glycines contigs and the NCBI Reference Sequence database (Refseq_protein) [71]. Following the mapping step, gene ontology (GO) terms with e value <1.0E-6, ...