Global -The semi-finals, aka the ‘Savannah Party’ was still officially underway when results were released not too long before midnight, local time. The large steel orchestras were still in the spotlight, and up to band number eleven at that point - Silver Stars Steel Orchestra. As that ...
When We Love, We Mirror the Triune God; Trinity SundayYOU probably heard of the joke about a woman whom a priest found bringing a bunch of novena-booklets to church. He asked, Who is your favorite saint? Of course, I like the Blessed Virgin Mary best! But I also like her sister!
“In Aramaic, ‘mourning’ could mean sorrow, grief, pain, or regret. Humans always have the choice of learning by spiritual unfoldment or by painful experience. Most people do not seek God whole-heartedly unless trouble, sorrow or failure appears in their lives. I was referring to the ‘va...
some of them accelerated by excessive drinking. So, this has become a part of my journey at this (late) time in my life. Better late than never, I guess. It was time. One my own personal thorns