When was Thomas Sowell born? When is cultural resource management required? When did the Common Market become the European Union? Does oppositional defiant disorder qualify for special education? When did cultural studies begin? Why should teachers undergo training in inclusive education?
When was the use of force continuum created? When did the social change model come out? How did conflict theory develop? What is the importance of theory in social work intervention? When has expansion diffusion occurred? When was Thomas Sowell born?
Thomas Sowell: To sue or not when lies are spread about youThomas Sowell
but is icky-bad because “ewwww, conservative”–and granted, that’s not in the US, but just ask any US lefty about her, heh), or Sarah Palin (who actually was the first female VP pick for a candidate…but wrong party, and so they destroyed her.) Or...
stand for principle Senate Republicans ought to act like it: ; Conservatives win big when they stand for principleSenate Republicans ought to act like it: ; Conservatives win big when they stand for principleThomas Sowell
… for the first time in political recorded history, in June of 1775, Thomas Jefferson penned that idea into the immortal words ‘all men are born equal’. On that day equal, individual rights were finally, openly declared in a founding document of a country. ...
When Fairness Is UnjustAn edited excerpt from recent remarks delivered at the American Enterprise Institute by author Thomas Sowell, whose most recent book is The Quest for Cosmic Justice.Sowell, ThomasAmerican Enterprise
"The Garden of Eden was a system for the production and distribution of goods and services, but it was not an economy," Sowell writes, "because everything was available in unlimited abundance. Without scarcity there is no need to economize and therefore no economics."The handling of scarcity...
Random thoughts on the passing scene:What a non-judgmental society amounts to is that common...Sowell, Thomas
When was Thomas Sowell born? How does the education system work in the U.K.? How is early childhood education in Singapore changing? When should teachers use summative assessment? When was The Dictionary of Cultural Literacy published?