The Menzels weren’t the only Zionists from their part of the world to escape just in the nick of time. Among the other refugees who came to Palestine the very same year was Martin Buber, who had been Rudolphina’s Zionist mentor, as Kahn observes—though not quite in the way she sug...
The younger Oppermann generation is represented by Martin’s idealistic teenage son; Edgar’s daughter, who’s an increasingly passionate exponent of the Zionist movement; and Heinrich, the Oppermann brothers’ cautious and pragmatic nephew. One of the things I particularly loved about the novel is ...
Assassination Of President McKinley Was By Jews! Backlash Against ACLU Jews Backlash Against Jews Behind The Scenes At The AIPAC Conference Big Brother Jew Is Watching You @ Homeland Security! Bilderberg Articles Bilderberg Calls For Zionist Global Banking Bilderberg Group: A Jewish Who's Who...
One is Lew Rockwell, Paul’s former congressional chief of staff who now heads the Ludwig von Mises Institute, an Auburn, Ala., think tank with deep ties to the neo-Confederate movement.There’s Judge Andrew Napolitano of Fox News and journalist Eric Margolis, both 9/11“truthers”who susp...
YouTube makes it possible for us to observe how the Zionist founders and their children are sheltered by their fancies of fine tastes and beautiful melodies. It was generally believed that if they were not stuck in the Middle East, surely the whole world would have admired th...
Al-Masri’s death, albeit under an assumed name, was reported in Iranian media on Aug. 8. Reports identified him as a Lebanese history professor potentially affiliated with Lebanon’s Iranian-linked Hezbollah movement and said he had been killed by motorcycle gunmen along with his daughter. ...