The chosen are a was the Harlem to which Blacks were moying in the first decade of the oew contury as they left ther old settlements on the middle and blocks of the West side.As the community became predommantly Rlack, the very word "Hariem" seemed to love its old meanine. At ...
A.Howhumansinfluencedmonkeys.B.Amonkeyinventedagesture.C.Anewsocialculturewasdiscovered.D.Howexpertsmadethenewdiscovery.2.Whatdoestheunderlinedword"soltude"inthesecondparagraphmean?A. Aloneness. B. Comfort.C.Protection. D.Respect.3.AccordingtoMarkLaidre,A.humanactivitiesaffectmandrills'signlanguageB....