“I was absolutely surprised,” since environmental engineer Dustin Poppendieck from the United States National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). “The numbers are significant and could have important impacts when cigarette ends are dealt with indoors or in cars. While much attention has...
Section A 1a—1c 【学习目标】 句型:When was the car invented? 弄清一般过去时态的主动语态与被动语态的差异,并通过练习和运用加以巩固。 【学习重点难点】 句型:When was the car invented? 弄清一般过去时态的主动语态与被动语态的差异,并通过练习和运用加以巩固。 【学法指导】 在学习中,懂得人类的科学...
Mike was reading in the garden when his mother came. She pointed to something and asked Mike what it was. Mike felt quite ___, but he told her it was a sparrow(麻雀)and got back into reading.Several minutes later, his mother pointed to the same sparrow and asked the same question ag...
1. -When was the car invented? -I t was invented in 1995. 2.- Who were they invented by? -They were invented by Julie Thompson. 3. -What are they used for? -They are used for seeing in the dark. 二、短语 1 be invented in被发明于某年某地be invented by sb由某人发明的 2 shoes...
1、Unit 9 When was it invented?Four ancient inventionscompassgun powderMoveable type printingpapercalculatormicrowave ovenlight bulbshigh heelsadjustable heelsadjustable 可调整的可调整的ice cream scoop heat 加热加热scoopslippersa batterybatteriesoperate 操作操作A: When was the car invented?B: Well, I ...
用多媒体展示图片,让学生说英语,然后用实物学习新单词calculator,在图片下显示发明物的时间,接着问:when was it invented? can you say the year? 让学生来猜invent的含义进而学习新词。教师根据图片和时间引出:the telephone was invented in 1876.这是本课重点,学习一般过去时态的被动语态。再次利用图片提问学生,...
1、When was it invented? 1. I think the telephone was invented before ( after ) the car. 我认为电话是在汽车之前(之后)发明的。 2. It’s used for scooping really cold ice cream. 它是用来舀特别凉的冰淇淋用的。 be used + 介词结构的几种常见用法: 1)be used for 意为“被作为……使用”...
cold.Inspring,thesnow wasreplacedby mud overice. In Wickenden?sbook,sheexpandedonthe historyoftheWestandalsoonfeminism,which ofcourseinfluencedthegirls?decisiontogoto Elkhead.A hair-raising section concerns the buildingoftherailroads,whichentailed (牵涉) drillingthroughthe Rockies,oftenin blinding snowst...
When Matty Sallin, 34, was working on a degree in art and technology at New York University, he got interesting homework in electronic class. He decided to invent an alarm clock."Everybody has to standitevery day, and it is really unpleasant!" he says. He asked different people what the...