Before the time of the world I know was changed, I used to have a life… a real life… a very humble real life, until that day, several years ago, and everything has taken from me, replacing themselves into something crazy that has to change everything forever, and as we know it,...
Why logic and reason fail when we try to trace back the origin of universe! When we try to think what might have created the universe,when was it created,how,why,where etc etc, the parameters we are looking at are TIME when we say WHEN and SPACE when we say WHERE,HOW...
But this earlier theory didn't satisfy Hawking because it was untestable, requiring an experiment that would account for an infinite number of potential universes. So Hawking sought a solution. "'Let’s try to tame the multiverse', he told me a year ago," said Hertog, over email, about...
When, it fails to build the base image due to a "File has unexpected size" error. I've tried running it at different times, but it has produced the same error over the past two days. The full log is provided below: Building x86_64.ros2_humble.user base as image...
While most Disney+ series within the MCU have been limited to one season,Lokibroke the mold with a confirmed season 2.Lokiseason 2 will consist of six episodes, following Tom Hiddleston's Loki after the multiverse was unleashed following the death of He Who Remains (Jonathan Majors) at the ...
this is all so interesting. I wish I was more acknowledged about this kind of stuff so I could discuss it more often. Ericsays: September 22, 2014 at 4:46 pm “So what happens when you move faster than the light.” Light is as fast as things get…at least until we can mathematical...
Change in biasdue to covariate adjustments was operationalized as reductions/increases in the discrepancy between the sample types (convenience vs. web panel) in adjusted models compared to their unadjusted counterparts. We employedspecification curves,a type of multiverse analysis that use caterpillar plo...
Elias Mannix’s time loop is reinforced unintentionally by the detectives but deliberately by the KYAL cult. Bumps in the road risk stopping Mannix’s plan multiple times, but the cult he created in 1889 always preserves the events that had to happen so that the loop was conserved. Foiling ...
As part of the wider Dungeon Fighter Online universe, DNF Duel takes place in an astral plane full of gates, one of many alternate realities created in the aftermath of the destructive event known as the Great Metastasis. Each gate connects to other places in time and space exist, allowing ...
My first thought was to not take this reading literally. The text could have meant that a neutral evil devil "isn't really a devil," but really, it's still a devil. It's a bit like imagining a guitarist who loses both hands. The loss of some part of a person's essence makes the...