When was the golden age of musical theatre? When did Roman theatre begin? When did ancient Greek theatre end? When was the Roman theatre of Merida renovated? When did Roman theatre end? When did Jacobean theatre take place? How long did it take to build the Globe Theatre? Was the Globe...
When were the Hadiths compiled? When was public communication invented? How is calligraphy done? When did Jacobean theatre take place? Are distorted proportions common in Mannerism? When did Precisionism art start? When did the Algonquin language form?
This essay won the 2006 Literature Compass Graduate Essay Prize, Seventeenth Century Section. Within the dramatic conventions of the Jacobean period one of the stock female character types that would have been familiar to the audience was the shrew: a woman, usually a wife, who is outspoken and...
Within the dramatic conventions of the Jacobean period one of the stock female character types that would have been familiar to the audience was the shrew: a woman, usually a wife, who is outspoken and argumentative. This article examines two plays written early in the seventeenth century, John...
2021 is a Jacobean Holy Year because Saint James Day, the 25th July, falls on a Sunday. For Jacobean Year 2021, pilgrims are especially enthusiastic to commemorate St James Day because it has been 11 years since the last Holy Year. When was the last jubilee? In the Roman Catholic Church...
This propaganda on behalf of the now-dead Tudors was curiously widespread, particularly in non-courtly circles, including on the public stage of the period.1 The Tudor monarchs Henry VIII, Edward VI, Mary I and Elizabeth I are severally represented in six plays written between 1602 and 1611:...
When was Berthe Morisot born? When was Brahmanism founded? When was Duccio born? When did Masaccio die? When was Pisanello born? When did futurism end? When did Jacobean theatre take place? When did Paranthropus boisei live? When was the Jikji printed?
When did Jacobean theatre take place? When did modern theatre directors emerge? How did Elizabethan theatre start? When was the Globe Theatre rebuilt? When did ancient Greek theatre end? How did medieval theatre start? When did Japanese theatre begin? When was the golden age of musical theatre...
When was bel canto popular? Was violence kept offstage in Greek theatre? When did Roman architecture begin? When was the theatre of the absurd created? When did Jacobean theatre take place? When did Egyptian theatre begin? How did Etruscans influence Roman theatre? When was the golden age of...
When were the Hospitallers founded? When do Benedictines pray? When is the uncertainty reduction theory used? When did Jacobean theatre take place? When did Levina Teerlinc die? When did the prescriptive grammar movement begin? When were the Benedictines founded? When was Mapungubwe at its peak?