S:Itwasinventedin… 课程导入设计导入二情境导入: T:Canyoutellmesomegreatinventionsthatareimportantin ourdailylife? Ss:Yes.Themobilephone,thecomputer,theairconditioner,the fridge,thelightandsoon. T:Yes.Theinventionshavechangedourlife. …
17.How old was Mr.Smith when he became an engineer A. 22 years old. B. 24 years old. C. 26 years old.18.What was Mr.Smith's first invention used for A. Washing dishes. B. Washing clothes. C. Watering flowers.19.Where is Mr.Smith's farm A. In the east of America. B. In...
Ask Ss to think and answer the questions: 1.Can you guess which one of them was invented first? 2.Which one of them was invented last? 3.Was the TV invented before the car or after the car? (Tip: T can encourage Ss to use the passive voice when answering the questions.) 1a ?
When you pressed down on a key, this would push up a rod inside the instrument. The rod had a pin on it that would pluck a string. The harpsichord became a very popular instrument, but there was one setback. No matter how hard or soft you pressed a key, the sound came out exactly...
When was the first record player invented? When was the didgeridoo invented? When was the jukebox invented? When was the bicycle invented? When was the CD player invented? When was the sport invented? When was the first gramophone invented?
refer to a variety of bow and string instruments.Nobody knows for sure whereand when the first viola was created. However, it is known for a fact that the instrument was in use in northern Italy around the same time as its cousin, the violin (i.e. the first half of the 16th ...
The question is sometimes asked, why not just use a lower resolution instrument and a smaller range to “zoom in” on the signal to measure small voltages? However, many signals have both a small signal and a large signal component. Using a large range, you could measure the large signal...
1.Whenwasteafirstdrunk? 2.Howwasteainvented? 3.Whoiscalled“thesaintoftea”? 4.WhatisChaJingabout? 5.Whenwasteabroughttoothercountries? [答案]1.Itwasfirstdrunkabout5,000yearsago. 2.Someleavesfromateaplantfellintotheboilingwaterandremainedthereforsometime.Itproducedanicesmellandtasteddelicious.Thisis...
He was one of the best string instrument players in our town. He could not ___ music, but if he heard a tune a few times, he could play it. I loved. to sing, but I never learned how to ___ the mandolin. This is something I ___ to this day. Dad loved to play the mandoli...
Each traditional Chinese musical instrument tells its own story. ②“I’ve fallen in love with the sounds of traditional instruments, especially pipa, a four-stringed(弦) instrument with a history of more than 2,000 years. It can produce different sounds, such as the sounds of falling snow...