given that diversity is one of the main elements in reception classes. For the successful education of newly arrived immigrant pupils, the wellbeing of teachers who work with this group should be prioritized. This paper contributes to the field of wellbeing education by highlighting the importance...
While most original structures from this mod were built by Aurelj, DiamondTown and Zephyrusj, we'd love to thank MercyWhistles and Wyll_ for letting us include some of their structures too. TelepathicGrunt's Structure Tutorialwas used as a reference for internal parts of the mod. This is a...
“This has given an air of mystery to his views, was the foundation of his banishment, the subversion of the Masonic order, and is the colour for the ravings against him of Robinson, Barruel & Morse, whose real fears are that the craft would be endangered by the spreading of information...
Clouston, a mad-doctor as they call him there, or what we should call an asylum physician (the most eminent one in Scotland), visited this country, and said something that has remained in my memory ever since. "You Americans," he said, "wear too much expression on your faces. You ar...
the dead; eternal woe and tears she then thought was the just tribute she should pay to innocence so blasted and destroyed. She was no longer that happy creature who in earlier youth wandered with me on the banks of the lake and talked with ecstasy of our future prospects. The first of...
work, the one he had refused to abandon in the mountains. “Seen a black suitcase?” they would ask. “Got any old typescripts?” No. There was muddle and confusion surrounding Benjamin’s death; nobody is really sure where the body is buried, never mind where the man’s luggage ...
You mentioned the firm not fitting into a mold. What were the misconceptions of the office when it opened? One of the things that initially surprised some internal colleagues was that we were not really here to do Belgian law. They imagined us to be a niche practice, only focused on local...
one-time owner of the Midvale Steel Company, where Taylor pioneered many of his ideas, once told him: “Do you know what I am going to do when I have made a few more millions? I am going to build the finest insane asylum this world has ever known, and you, Taylor, are going to...
“I want to stay here,” she says, “but my dad wants to see the baby.” Like the two children that she’ll leave behind, Mona was young when her father left the islands for the rural heartland of Arkansas. “We see him on Skype,” she adds. ...
The first night we went in I was going to go into the library, had the door open, but a friend said "no, don't". He claimed it wasn't him who said it though, so we didn't go in. After that night, the library doors were locked, so we couldn't go in ...