When is the communion antiphon sung? When was the Baroque music era? When did the Guru Granth Sahib start? When did madrigalism become popular in music history? When did Frederic Chopin start composing? When did mass communication begin?
When was Rembrandt born? Rembrandt: Rembrandt was Baroque-era painter. He was one of the most famous artists in history and is best known for his portraits. Rembrandt's works offer historians a great deal of information about life from this era in history. ...
Tomaso Giovanni Albinoni was an Italian Baroque composer. His output includes operas, concertos, sonatas for one to six instruments, sinfonias, and solo cantatas.
So much thought and care were put into every linen, piece of furniture and art that fills this hotel. One of my favorite details is the “luggage room”, which is actually a giant trunk that sits at the bottom of the staircase. Each piece of furniture in the guest rooms was made to ...
Before Bowie lost his edge, he had to find it in the first place. And how twee he was back in ’67. This inauspicious debut, chock-a-block with cutesy-poo baroque pop, seems to borrow the whimsy of the Small Faces and the Kinks, but forgets the wit and energy. Bowie sounds like ...
What held things together initially was the X-Pensive Winos, a group that originally formed in much the same haphazard way. Richards had met them, one by one, through other famous musical friends. "We immediately hit it off. The next thing I know I get this message: 'Call Keith. He's...
Baroque multiple orgasm, who knew? Food? Still love food although I haven’t posted recipes in ages. I’ve got my hands on the Sobo Cookbook (Sobo is a restaurant in Tofino, BC and the food is memorable) and am about to start cooking some of Lisa Ahier’s remarkable dishes. Will ...
most of the beautiful baroque palace occupying the large site was built in the 1700s. Escape the city heat by exploring the extensive labyrinthine cave system underneath the castle, then emerge above ground at one of the best vantage points of Budapest to take...
discovery of wreckage from the Clotilda, the last ship to bring enslaved Africans to the United States. And Brown also knows when to simply put a camera on someone and watch things unfold. I saw a bunch of documentary films and series on Netflix this year; this was far and away the ...
“Mr. Zero,” Yardbirds manager Simon Napier-Bell’s “Shapes in My Mind,” or his own composition “Knowing.” They also had a more ornate, baroque-pop production than Yardbirds fans expected, and failed to launch a simultaneous solo career, though “Mr. Zero” just dented the UK chart...