It was the kind of summer day they always dreamed of and though it was tragic that the heatwave was almost certainly a symptom of how much damage the human race has inflicted on our precious planet, in those moments it served as a blissfully beautiful backdrop for a very special final jou...
the term “metaverse” was coined in the science fiction bookSnow Crash[9]. The story depicted the interaction of humans through avatars on the street, which was space owned by a single corporation. After that point, there have been many stories, films, and...
Yang Jun was extremely lucky. After six months of preparatory study, she was faced with the temptation of many fields of design in the field of art, architecture and costume. Her mentor discovered her talent and judgement in fashion design at the first time, and laid a solid foundation for ...
A bit of lyrical surrealism by Lennon that perfectly suits the Beatles' post-Sgt. Pepper's creative rush. Loaded with sound effects and distorted side trips, "I Am the Walrus" is a grand aural experiment. The Beatles (1968): While My Guitar Gently Weeps Apple 'The Beatles' (1968): "Wh...
So, besides Expressionism, Dadaism, Constructivism, Cubism and Surrealism, should stand Merz. Schwitters' entire life became an ongoing Merz project. He ran a design agency, published a journal, and held performances of phonetic poetry. Even his home in Hanover mutated organically into a 3-D ...
Basso’s writing, noted for being peculiar, eccentric, and/or high-modernist surrealism is just what we call “brilliant.” He will inevitably be compared to Poe since he is from Baltimore, yet his interstitial writing, often avant-garde in form and complexity, transcends classification, and so...