/madefrom Ruler/madeof steel Lift/madeofiron Ink/write Bike/China TVset/worker Dictionary/tool Apairofglasses/ mygrandmother of:由…制成(看得出原材料) from:由…制成(看不出原材料) bemadein:在…(地方)制 by:被(某人)制造 into:被制成… ...
Itwasmadeofsteelandiron?[?a??n]铁第7页 inventions?[?n?ven?n]创造Whenweretheyinvented??[?n?vent]第8页 第9页 abcd___wasinventedin___.1第10页 Practicethesentences.Pictured:Thetelephonewasinventedineighteenseventy-six(1876).Picturea:Carswereinventedineighteeneighty-five(1885).Picturec:TheTV...
ItwasmadebyBellatfirst.贝尔(人名)Itusedtobelikethis Itisusedforwatchingprograms.(节目)[ˈprəʊgræm]Itwasmadeofsteelandiron [ˈaɪən]铁 inventions [ɪnˈvenʃn]发明 Whenweretheyinvented? [ɪnˈvent]a b c d ___wasinventedin___.1 Practicethesentences.Picture...
before、since、that、after、when的区别:意思不同、用法不同、侧重点不同 一、意思不同 1、before:以前;以往;之前 2、since:此后 3、that:非常;那么地 4、after:以后;后来 5、when:什么时候;当 ... 时 二、用法不同 1、before:只能接表示时间点的名词,而不能接表示时间段的名词。2...
was du sagst klingt s was fehlt d was i excited about w was immer ue was ist es fÜr eine g was it serious was it the home the c was machen ue v was made from the lov was no life i defy was notwas in the moo was one of a kinda pr was quite at odds wit was upon the...
steel 3. fair 4. cotton 5. blouse 6. produces 7. chopsticks, forks 1. 根据句意“Michael看到一条蛇穿过___(草地)时吓坏了”可知,空格处应填grass,意为“草地”。 2. 根据句意“这台机器是___(钢铁)做的,摸起来很硬,而且很重”可知,空格处应填steel,意为“钢铁”。 3. 根据句意“在他的...
well im saving these well if it was a joke well if theyre not well let me think for well looks like its j well maybe it wasnt b well not actually to well she earned the m well since were doing well thats it im done well the body landed well there goes our p well thereby hangs ...
2024秋人教九全英语精彩课堂精品课件 GrammarFocus Unit6Whenwasitinvented?SectionB3a-3b LearningObjectives ★Talkaboutaspecialinvention.★Writeadescriptionabouttheinvention.Free-talk Iwanttoinvent...Whatdoyouwanttoinvent?Whatisitmadeof?Ha,Iwanttoinventaspecialbroom.It’smadeofstainlesssteel.Whatisitusedfor?Wh...
Unit 6 When was it invented? listening &speaking Section A Period One “What’s this? ①②③④ four modern inventions It was made by Bell at first . 贝尔(人名) It used to be like this It is used for watching programs.(节目) [ˈprəʊgræm] It was made of steel and iron...
Global -The semi-finals, aka the ‘Savannah Party’ was still officially underway when results were released not too long before midnight, local time. The large steel orchestras were still in the spotlight, and up to band number eleven at that point - Silver Stars Steel Orchestra. ...