Mr. Biden's first two States of the Union were held in 2022 and 2023. His first speech as president, which came several months after his inauguration, was not technically a State of the Union, but rather an "Address to a Joint Session of Congress." The2023 State of the Union, which ...
First lady Jill Bidenhas invitedKate Cox, a Texas woman who fled the state for abortion care, to attend the State of the Union address this year. Cox was more than 20 weeks pregnant with a fetus that had been diagnosed with a chromosomal anomaly that leads to miscarriage, stillbirth or de...
“Trump is Trump’s best organizer, and Trump can motivate people from the podium.” But, Mook added, the Biden campaign is doing what it needs to do, pointing to the State of the Union as a powerful example of how to effectively mobilize the base and harness the anti-Trump en...
which was approved in September. This allows for significant resources from the federal government, as well as state and local partners, to be utilized in a comprehensive security plan, with the U.S. Secret Service as the lead agency.
It commemorates the final end of slavery in the US on June 19, 1865, when Union Army general Gordon Granger proclaimed freedom for slaves in Galveston, Texas, the last state of the Confederacy with institutional slavery. The Word Juneteenth is a portmanteau (a blend of words in which parts...
Each time a state was added to the union, a star was added. Today, there are 50 stars, one for each state in the union, but the 13 stripes remain. Interestingly, the current American flag was designed by a high school student from Lancaster, Ohio, named Bob G. Heft! Even though Bob...
By moving clocks forward, people could take advantage of the extra evening daylight rather than wasting energy on lighting. At the time, Franklin was ambassador to Paris, and he wrote a witty letter to the Journal of Paris in 1784, rejoicing over his "discovery" that the sun provides light...
The selection of these universities was facilitated by the authors’ contacts, enabling the negotiation of access (Saunders et al.,Citation2009). Each university has a business school and a dedicated entrepreneurship development center coordinating the course. Despite being public and private institutions...
Why was daylight saving created in the US and how did it start? The modern idea of changing the clocks with the seasons can be traced back to at least the late 19th century, when New Zealand entomologist George Hudson proposed it to conserve energy and extend summer daylight hours, something...