Is there a vaccine for smallpox? When was the great flu epidemic? When did the mumps vaccine come out? What is the history of smallpox? When is cholera considered a pandemic versus an epidemic? When was the bird flu epidemic? When did leprosy start? When was leprosy cured? Is smallpox...
When was the flu pandemic? Did Louis Pasteur prove germ theory? Who invented germ theory? When did HIV become a pandemic? When was the tuberculosis epidemic? How did the germ theory of disease get its name? When was the smallpox epidemic?
Question: When did Swaziland start antiretroviral therapy? Eswathini: Eswathini (formely Swaziland) is a small Southern African Kingdom which borders South Africa and Mozambique. Its main language is siSwati. This language is closely related to the languages Xhosa, Zulu and Ndebele. ...
Not long before it was eradicated by vaccination, smallpox virus erased entire cultures on two continents, where fatality rates rose as high as 90%. for those who survived, it was a cuase of permanent, often debilitating disfigurement. Prior to the HiBand DTaP vaccines, epiglottitis caused by...
When was the cholera epidemic? When was the typhoid epidemic? When did the smallpox vaccine stop being administered? Do they still give the polio vaccine? When did the flu vaccine become mainstream? When did the mumps vaccine come out?
Where was chikungunya first discovered? What year was HIV discovered? When did Paul Ehrlich discover the treatment for syphilis? When did colony collapse disorder start? When did the hepatitis A vaccine come out? When is a pandemic declared? Who discovered urticaria? When was the smallpox epidemi...
When was herd immunity discovered?Herd Immunity:Herd immunity has worked in situations where vaccinations against viral infection have immunized a large enough percentage of the community to prevent the virus from finding new hosts. The most successful example was smallpox. Through the use of the ...
When was leprosy cured? When are IV fluids used to help a disease process? Does antiretroviral therapy treat opportunistic infection? When did Legionnaires disease start? When was antibiotic resistance discovered? How were antiretroviral drugs discovered? When was the smallpox epidemic? How soon does...
Why was the Bubonic Plague important? Has the bubonic plague been in Los Angeles? How long can you live with the bubonic plague? Where did influenza originate? Can the bubonic plague be cured? When was Yersinia pestis discovered? Can you survive the bubonic plague? Where does smallpox occu...
When was the smallpox epidemic? Was polio an epidemic or pandemic? What year did they stop giving the polio vaccine? When was the flu vaccine invented? When did the smallpox vaccine start being administered? When was the typhoid epidemic?