As someone who’s done a fair amount of ML/AI research, I can tell you that it is very very easy to think you’ve discovered a breakthrough. There is a great deal of cognitive bias in AI, and you have to falsify very aggressively. I am deeply skeptical. It’s also worth noting ...
It was first introduced in Pennsylvania, but since then expanded to South Dakota later that year and, in 2021, was launched in Minnesota and Tennessee. The program uses orange stickers with a black paw print to indicate that a dog is present at a specific home, while a yellow sticker with...
Even though the length of the agricultural calendar still fluctuated, with some years having twelve months and others having thirteen, it ended up being much more reliable than it was before.They continually adjusted to the heliacal rising of Sirius ensuring that they never got too far off in ...
(fake) Horcrux. At this stage we don't know who he's referring to when he says "don't hurt them" (we find out in the last book it's his brother and sister), but his feelings of guilt and his obvious desire to protect someone echo back to what he said to Harry after Sirius ...
Thats its companion star, called Sirius B. It was discovered in 1862 by astronomer Alvan Graham Clark, and its the first observed instance of a white dwarf. OK. So uh, now what sets these white dwarfs aside from the rest of the stellar universe? Well, it seems they are a form. of ...
Some people would argue that 2016 was the year that the world economy started to come apart, with the passage of Brexit and the election of Donald Trump. Whether or not the “coming apart” process started in 2016, in my opinion we are going to see many more steps in this direction in...
(1920), plays a central role in the foundations of logic and formal semantics. Although Russell’s theory of definite descriptions was not the first one (pride of place for the first formalisation of definite descriptions in logic belongs to Frege (1893, § 11, § 18)), it gave an ...