WhenSharaineandWilsonmovedtheirfamilytoRhodeIsland,theyalreadyhad a houseful.Fivekids,a busyschedule,a longlistofhouseprojectsand a wholenewneighborhood(1)___ littletimeforanythingelse.AndthenPaul(2)___.At 82 yearsold,Paulhadjustlosthiswife,buthewasstillhandyand(3)___.Hewalkedacrossthestreetcarr...
Sharaine和Wilson一家搬到Rhode Island后,Paul出现了。Paul虽然82岁高龄并且刚刚丧妻,但他仍然手巧且乐于助人。他带着梯子穿过街道去见新邻居,主动提出帮忙修缮房屋。Sharaine一家最担心的是新邻居不喜欢他们,因为他们有五个孩子,很吵闹。 **1. 分析第1空:** - 前文提到Sharaine和Wilson一家搬到Rhode Island,...
The tradition___on a whim in 2010 with Daniel Riddick, a doctor in Hurley Children’s Hospital in Providence, Rhode Island. His patient, a teenager, had been in the hospital long-term. During his stay, Daniel had___with the kid so deeply that he decided that on the boy’s___night...
When Sharaine and Wilson moved their family to Rhode Island, they already had a houseful. Five kids, a busy schedule, a long list of house projects and a whole new neighborhood___little time for anything else. And then Paul___. At 82 years...
I had one trip last year where I was caught by a hurricane in America. I picked up the stem cells in Providence, Rhode Island, and was meant to fly to Washington then back to London. But when I arrived at the check-in desk at Providence, the lady on the desk said: “Well, I’...
When I was a kid , my dad used to sing an old song , “ Pack up your Troubles,” while working in the morning . The song plays in my head often 36 I’m packing for a trip --- “ Pack up your 37 in your old kit bag and smile , smile , smile .” Lately , with regulation...
Rhode Island: Providence - #114 coldest nationally - Average annual temperature: 51.6°F - Average daily maximum: 60.6°F - Average daily minimum: 42.6°F Providence, Rhode Island's capital, is near the Providence River's mouth. It is home to Brown University, the Rhode Island School of De...
阅读下面短文.从短文后各题的A.B.C.D四个选项中.选取出适合填入空白处的最佳选项.并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑.When Glen Kruger picked a small cat from an animal shelter, he did not expect much. Yet right from the start, eight years ago, there was an uncommon conn
Once utilized by native tribes 8,000 years ago to track giant sloths and mammoths, Zion Canyon was later settled by Mormon pioneers in the 1860s. Due to flash floods, early settlers faced great difficulty in the park as the sudden onslaught of raging waters could wash away entire towns. ...
Rhode Island: Fried clam roll Originating from the East Coast, this sandwich showcases golden-fried clams served on a buttered bun with tartar sauce and lemon wedges. The state's clam shacks call to locals and visitors alike with this summer seafood delight. ...