6.8.7-273-tkg-eevdf CPU architectures issue was seen on x86_64 Component systemd Expected behaviour you didn't see When stopping the VM during shutdown or reboot, all services should stop gracefully without timeout and SIGKILL. This was exactly about 2 or 3 months ago in my experience. Un...
The Power of a First Kiss You probably remember your first ever kiss between you and another person, whether it was good, bad, or just at a point where you were too young to know what you were even doing. Regardless of how this memory remains, you still understood the ...
I decided at this point to reach out to engineering to see if there was anything we could do to help reduce this impact. I initially thought about using NIOC but then realized it was primarily designed for managing outbound traffic where as the Promiscuous Mode tr...
I decided at this point to reach out to engineering to see if there was anything we could do to help reduce this impact. I initially thought about using NIOC but then realized it was primarily designed for managing outbound traffic where as the Promiscuous Mode traffic is...
“Worms can control copulation time or, alternatively, can have mechanisms which prevent all their sperm being released in a single mating event”, stress the authors. The results of the study conclude that the volume of sperm donated to worms that are not virgins has been more variable than ...
Good startup investors who suggest being “promiscuous”are still methodical. It’s popular in startup land to talk about “moonshots”—the impossibly ambitious startups that will either change the world or incinerate themselves into star dust. ...