I had returned to Berlin Community School several times when I was in grad school, and I had caught up with Mrs. DiMeglio. So I did tell her how important she was to me. I don’t know if I had the perspective, though, at that time in my life, to really say that she was a m...
Founded in 1993, Netscape Navigator was the dominant web browser of the 1990s. At one point, the company had over 5,000 employees maintaining its application. However, Netscape was no match for Microsoft, which released Internet Explorer shortly after Netscape. By 1998, thecompany was acquiredby...
While the first commercially processed cheese was made in Switzerland in 1911, the treat has been uniquely American since Kraft patented a formula for processed cheese in America in 1916. It has since been the choice cheese for many dishes, including Philly's iconic cheesesteak. You may also ...
Beatty was founded in 1905 and was named after Montillus Murray “Old Man” Beatty, a Civil War veteran and miner who had bought a nearby ranch in 1896. His picture is proudly displayed in the casino of the Stagecoach Hotel, where our investigative team stayed the night. The place even h...
Philly has a reputation for being a dangerous city. And it is. When you see this: It means this: Geese will hunt you down with more ferocity than a herd of pointy tusked javelinas. The man in the situation above was lucky. He found refuge in a bathroom before the nesting geese tore ...
“social” was always a prefix. Calling them social is somewhat of a misnomer, there’s not much about these games that are especially social. Yes, they contain features which aim to replicate the look and feel of other online gaming communities, with leader boards and functions where you ...
Orange Julius is basically the grandfather of all smoothies.Founded in 1923 and then fiercely franchised in the '70s and '80s, the company was acquired by Dairy Queen in 1987. They still operate over 5,000 locations worldwide. mall food court restaurants, 80s, 90s, Manchu Wok ...
R31 House is a little different in the fact that there are four separate and expansive areas, and the next space I visited left me even more dumbfounded. Race replicas were the order of the day in here. The GTS-R was the car that Nissan used to homologate the R31 for endurance racing...
Warren Buffett is affectionately known as the Oracle of Omaha, and for good reason. He's one of the wealthiest individuals in the world. Buffet is head of Berkshire Hathaway, the investment company he founded, which owns dozens of other companies. Buffet, along with Bill and Melinda Gates, ...