Oldest meteorite ever found: 4.6 BILLION-year-old space rock discovered in the Sahara could shed light on the early solar system. An ancient, meteorite, orachondrite, was discovered in the Sahara desert last year that has now been identified as chunk from a protoplanet that formed before Earth...
also known as the “moon-forming impact”, was so large that—in addition to adding lots of material to the Earth—there was enough energy to vaporize some of the rock and metal from both the proto-Earth and the impacting object. This vapor formed a disc around...
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic interviews were virtual using Microsoft Teams. Each interview was recorded using the recording feature on the software. The interviews were semi-structured and used the same questions that formed the basis of the questionnaire (seeTable 1), with the addition of probi...
As there wasn’t much space in the budget for lines to be recorded individually, the dialogue was recorded all together, adding a naturalistic sense to it and contributing to the intimate group dynamic that slowly formed. Nonetheless, despite these initial struggles, the ...
He formed his own promotion called Kitao Dojo, which was later changed to Bukō Dōjō. Among the wrestlers that came out of the dojo were Masaaki Mochizuki, Yoshikazu Taru, and Takashi Okamura, who later became business partners of Último Dragón. ...
ignore my desire at first,but as any writer will tell you,once ideas awaken inside of you,they don't leave you alone until you write them down.I didn't have a computer,or even a typewriter,but I grabbed a pen and a notebook and wrote down everything that...
The objective of the approach was to identify a set of villages within each enumerated focal area to in- clude in the trial that: 1) minimised contamination bias; 2) minimised selection bias; 3) maximised statistical power; and 4) gave every village at least one chance to be included so ...
LSM was part of successful malaria control campaigns in the United States, Israel, and Italy [38], and integral to eliminating the African malaria vector, Anopheles gambiae, from Brazil and Egypt [40]. In more recent controlled trials where LSM has been the primary intervention, it has ...
The objective of the approach was to identify a set of villages within each enumerated focal area to in- clude in the trial that: 1) minimised contamination bias; 2) minimised selection bias; 3) maximised statistical power; and 4) gave every village at least one chance to be included so ...